Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 4 -- On The Rebound

Woke up with much more energy today! Had a yummy breakfast of blended strawberries, blueberries and almonds with yogurt. Was a little worried that the low energy from yesterday would continue, but thankfully not.

Went to Pilates and felt pretty strong. Strong enough to have a spirited political discussion with my Pilates friend about why voting Republican in 2008 is foolhardy. I mean, they've had 8 years and have done a pretty good job of messing things up. Why on earthy would we want to give them more time? My friend is a "fiscal conservative" but "socially liberal". Okay, so for the last 8 years there has been no balanced budget and the Republicans have almost spent this country into bankruptcy with the Iraq war and now the financial markets bail-out . . . does this sound like fiscal conservatism? And why would anyone who is socially liberal want to allow a Republican Administration to appoint more members of the Supreme Court, which has already swung to the right with Sam Alito. As you can see, I got my mo-jo back.

Lunch was a bit of leftover salmon and butternut squash soup. Have I mentioned how good the whipping cream in the soup tastes? The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging with family in the yard, cleaning etc. I was not really tempted at any point to go off my cleanse. Was feeling pretty satisfied actually. Had a couple of apple slices with almond butter for a snack.

More challenging was going to movie and a dinner with Chris. Went to see Burn after Reading -- I had hot peppermint tea and Chris, always supportive, stuck with Diet Coke. I thought going to a movie without popcorn or raisinettes was going to be difficult, but once the movie started I didn't eve notice. I think if Chris had been munching away, it would have been a bit annoying, but I was fine.

Dinner at La Zingara was great. I had Perrier, steak and broccoli rabi. Honestly, the steak was a little overcooked and lacked flavor (possibly attributable to the non-grass fed type of beef). I think it would have tasted great with a nice juicy Italian read like a Brunello. But overall dinner was a success.

Another day of detox has passed . . . I am surviving surprisingly well!

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