Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Detox Eve

Its 10:50pm, and since I'm usually in bed by 9:30pm (the wonder of having 3 young children) I can tell I am a little ramped up about this detox which begins tomorrow. I'm not sure whether I'm worried about failing; just because I've paid $250 and have a support group doesn't mean that I can stick with the program. No alcohol, no sugar, no salt, no carbs (at least not in the form of pasta, grains, beans, rice, etc.), no caffiene, no dairy (ok, very limited) -- it does seem a little daunting.

I really think my biggest issue will be sugar. I am already stressing about what I'm going to eat when I have a sugar low -- i.e. when I would normally eat an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, a handful of chocolate chips or take the can of whipped cream, insert it into my mouth and spray.

I mean, its fall. There are apples everywhere. Think apple crisp, apple crumble, apple pie, candied apples, apple turnovers. You get the picture. I have apple trees all over my property. The only apples I'm allowed to have are those really tart green apples. No juicy Honey Crisp, Ginger Gold, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala, or Braeburns. Just tart Granny Smith apples.

We can also eat berries, limes, lemons and grapefruit. I bought an entire bag of ruby red grapefruit. I bought several bags of frozen berries. I'm thinking a smoothie might get me through a particularly low day. I'm not really sure sucking on a lime or lemon will help me all that much.

Interestingly, the fact that I'm putting so much thought into this detox before it has even begun obviously tells me that I need to really assess what I eat on a daily basis. This cleanse is about overcoming those food "addictions" and taking a new look at what I'm putting in my mouth. My problem is that once the detox begins I'm afraid I won't like what I put in my mouth. I derive a LOT of pleasure from eating. Two weeks of wanting to shovel Hagen Daaz vanilla ice cream in my trap, but not being able to, does not sound like that much fun.

But I can do anything for two weeks, right?

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