Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Week 1 -- Still Going Strong

Hard to believe that I've been doing this cleanse for a week. But, strangely, its pretty comfortable. Will be interesting to see what happens when the cleanse is over. I'd like to think it will have helped me break some of my bad food habits -- made me more aware and conscious of my eating.

Over the course of the detox I have been making sure to exercise and pamper myself. On Day 5 I had a 90 minute massage from Nicole and it was super! Really makes me wonder why I don't have massages more often!! Went to hot yoga, which was a really tough class but I felt pretty strong.

Had a fried egg and half a grapefruit this morning with my chamomile tea. Almonds for a snack. Lunch out at a restaurant where I had a mixed greens salad with grilled chicken. The girls had salad, pizza and ice cream. Strangely enough I did not even think about eating any of their ice cream. I think that's the first time I have not been tempted by sweets . . .ever. Weird. Hamburger patty (onions & garlic) and sauteed carrots (with garlic, lemon juice and lemon zest) for dinner. Tasty.

Ready to start Week 2.

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